Feb. 27th S-Curve Update



  1. Genuinely curious why you have Illinois, Nova, Tennessee, Purdue and Tech ahead of Wisconsin. Not a fan of any team, but Wisconsin seems to have a better body of work then all of them.

    Illinois 19-8, Q1+Q2 10-8, Road/N 8-5, SoS #19
    Wisconsin 23-5, Q1+Q2 15-4, Road/N 12-2, SoS #10
    Texas Tech 22-7, Q1+Q2 13-7, Road/N 5-7, SoS #20
    Villanova 21-7, Q1+Q1 12-7, Road/N 10-6, SoS #15
    Purdue 24-5, Q1+Q2 11-5, Road/N 9-4, SoS #29
    Tennessee 21-7, Q1+Q2 12-7, Road/N 6-7, SoS #4

    The committee has always put a large emphasis on road/neutral wins as well.


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